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Odilon Redon Art

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11 Items
Framed Fleurs
by Odilon Redon
24" x 44" Frame
Price: $329.59 
Framed Vase of Flowers, 1914
Vase of Flowers, 1914
by Odilon Redon
16" x 19" Frame
Price: $140.79 
Framed Vase of Flowers, ca. 1912-14
Vase of Flowers, ca. 1912-14
by Odilon Redon
15" x 19" Frame
Price: $138.39 
Framed Vase of Flowers, 1912
Vase of Flowers, 1912
by Odilon Redon
13" x 16" Frame
Price: $123.99 
Framed Vase of Flowers, 1916
Vase of Flowers, 1916
by Odilon Redon
12" x 16" Frame
Price: $123.19 
Framed Vase of Flowers, 1914
Vase of Flowers, 1914
by Odilon Redon
27" x 35" Frame
Price: $313.59 
Framed Vase of Flowers, ca. 1912-14
Vase of Flowers, ca. 1912-14
by Odilon Redon
26" x 35" Frame
Price: $274.39 
Framed Roger and Angelica
Roger and Angelica
by Odilon Redon
14" x 16" Frame
Price: $127.19 
Framed Window, c. 1907
Window, c. 1907
by Odilon Redon
14" x 16" Frame
Price: $127.99 
Framed Barque, c. 1902
Barque, c. 1902
by Odilon Redon
15" x 17" Frame
Price: $130.39 
Framed Vase of Flowers, c.1905
Vase of Flowers, c.1905
by Odilon Redon
14" x 17" Frame
Price: $129.59 
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11 Items
Odilon Redon, (Born 1840) was born in Bordeaux, France. He was symbolist painter of considerable poetic imagination and sensitivity. He was also an etcher and lithographer whose work developed along two divergent lines. He forged a reputation as one of the leading painters in France. His style was of Surrealist movements––boldly expressing modernity, yet rooted in classical training, through his penetrating eye and his use of paint. Redon usually worked on commission, and many of the commissioned paintings are on a grand scale for private and public spaces. Chiefly still lifes with flowers, his pastels and oils, won him the admiration of Matisse Henri and other painters as an important colorist. Redon’s prints explore macabre, fantastic, often haunted themes and foreshadowed the Dadaist and Surrealist movements. There’s enough evidence that Redon’s art was linked to Goya, especially his menacing shapes and winged demons and in fact one of his series of 1885 was the Homage to Goya. His paintings are sought by private collectors throughout the country and abroad. His paintings are found in the collections of preeminent corporations, professional firms and associations in France. They are mainly availed as framed Odilon Redon art. Other finishing options are also available. Redon’s art is also available in many online stores. Beginning in 1879 he produced more than 200 prints, with the lithographs together titled In the Dream. In 1882, he completed another series that he dedicated to Allan Poe Edgar, whose poems had been translated by Mallarmé and Baudelaire Charles into French with great success.
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