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Harvey Edwards Art

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14 Items
Framed Satin Shoes
Satin Shoes
by Harvey Edwards
28" x 35" Frame
Price: $311.94 
Framed Dancer by the Window
Dancer by the Window
by Harvey Edwards
21" x 24" Frame
Price: $206.54 
Framed Reflections of the Past
Reflections of the Past
by Harvey Edwards
25" x 20" Frame
Price: $194.64 
Framed On Tour
On Tour
by Harvey Edwards
25" x 20" Frame
Price: $207.39 
Framed Intensity
by Harvey Edwards
26" x 21" Frame
Price: $210.79 
Framed First Love
First Love
by Harvey Edwards
26" x 21" Frame
Price: $209.94 
Framed Country Elegance
Country Elegance
by Harvey Edwards
19" x 24" Frame
Price: $190.39 
Framed Sunshine Bouquet
Sunshine Bouquet
by Harvey Edwards
19" x 24" Frame
Price: $190.39 
Framed Morning Touch
Morning Touch
by Harvey Edwards
21" x 24" Frame
Price: $206.54 
Framed Simple Pleasures
Simple Pleasures
by Harvey Edwards
25" x 19" Frame
Price: $194.64 
Framed Yesteryear
by Harvey Edwards
20" x 24" Frame
Price: $192.09 
Framed Dancer by the Window
Dancer by the Window
by Harvey Edwards
28" x 35" Frame
Price: $308.54 
Framed Reflections of the Past
Reflections of the Past
by Harvey Edwards
36" x 27" Frame
Price: $311.94 
Framed On Tour
On Tour
by Harvey Edwards
36" x 27" Frame
Price: $309.39 
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14 Items
Harvey Edwards received his first art lessons when he was just 10 years old. That’s when he discovered his talent as an artist. His ability to express emotions and feelings through his medium really fascinated him. He was even able to come up with a technique that he refers to as Lithographic Montage. Edwards says that as we live in a world where the price of art has made it unattainable for most to acquire, his philosophy is that art must be made accessible for all to own; for he believes that without art in our lives there’s nothing left. Edwards served as aerial and base photographer in the Air Force during the Vietnam War. After his discharge, he attended the University of Miami and majored in the fine arts. At the university he also developed his creativity by studying sculpture and painting. By the end of 10 years after his graduation, he had been honored with 64 solo shows. His work now explores the byways of a broader America. His art has received positive review from professional reviewers. The New York Times noted that “Edwards’ impeccable prints convey the intensity of his involvement by closing in on the telling details of a scene". Applause also came from Art Business News, which stated that he’s “a master artist who has the sensitivity of expressing true emotions through powerful images which leaves a lasting and dramatic impression on his viewers." Edwards has won worldwide critical acclaim for his artwork. Framed Harvey Edwards art is today found in many galleries around the world.
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