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Framed Flower Garden Paintings

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154 Items
Framed Jardi Colonial
Jardi Colonial
by Poch Romeu
31" x 36" Frame
+ More Sizes
Price: $350.39 
Framed Romantic Garden II
Romantic Garden II
by Richard Lane
10" x 16" Frame
Price: $104.79 
Framed Artist's Garden At Giverny, 1900
Artist's Garden At Giverny, 1900
by Claude Monet
12" x 10" Frame
Price: $107.19 
Framed Monet Painting in his Garden at Argenteuil, c.1873
Monet Painting in his Garden at Argenteuil, c.1873
by Pierre-Auguste Renoir
21" x 18" Frame
Price: $168.79 
Framed Iris Garden
Iris Garden
by Vincent Van Gogh
21" x 18" Frame
Price: $168.79 
Framed Iris Garden
Iris Garden
by Vincent Van Gogh
34" x 27" Frame
Price: $267.99 
Framed Picking Flowers
Picking Flowers
by Pierre-Auguste Renoir
27" x 25" Frame
Price: $230.39 
Framed Monet Painting in the Garden
Monet Painting in the Garden
by Pierre-Auguste Renoir
30" x 24" Frame
Price: $237.59 
Framed Secluded Garden
Secluded Garden
by Greg Singley
43" x 34" Frame
Price: $415.19 
Framed Garden with Sunflowers
Garden with Sunflowers
by Gustav Klimt
18" x 44" Frame
Price: $291.99 
Framed Monet Painting in his Garden at Argenteuil, c.1873
Monet Painting in his Garden at Argenteuil, c.1873
by Pierre-Auguste Renoir
34" x 28" Frame
Price: $305.59 
Framed Artist's Garden, Argenteuil
Artist's Garden, Argenteuil
by Claude Monet
34" x 28" Frame
Price: $303.19 
Framed Picking Flowers
Picking Flowers
by Pierre-Auguste Renoir
35" x 30" Frame
Price: $319.99 
Framed Les Coquelicots, Environs d'Argenteuil
Les Coquelicots, Environs d'Argenteuil
by Claude Monet
25" x 20" Frame
Price: $202.39 
Framed Fleurs a Couper
Fleurs a Couper
by Nicole Clement
16" x 14" Frame
Price: $142.39 
Framed On The Patio
On The Patio
by Manuel Garcia Y Rodriguez
20" x 17" Frame
Price: $164.79 
Framed Backyard Garden
Backyard Garden
by Abbott Fuller Graves
33" x 39" Frame
Price: $355.99 
Framed Doorway and Garden
Doorway and Garden
by Abbott Fuller Graves
39" x 34" Frame
Price: $361.59 
Framed In My Secret Garden
In My Secret Garden
by Mary Baxter St. Clair
18" x 44" Frame
Price: $292.79 
Framed Peonies in a Wild Garden
Peonies in a Wild Garden
by Louis-Marie Lemaire
30" x 36" Frame
Price: $328.79 
Framed Artist's Garden, Vetheuil
Artist's Garden, Vetheuil
by Claude Monet
32" x 47" Frame
Price: $583.99 
Framed Edge of Garden
Edge of Garden
by Glenn Reid
24" x 30" Frame
Price: $239.99 
Framed Moment's Peace
Moment's Peace
by Alfred Augustus Glendenning Jr.
24" x 32" Frame
Price: $245.59 
Framed Perkins Children
Perkins Children
by George Harcourt
31" x 27" Frame
Price: $246.39 
Framed In a Garden of Roses
In a Garden of Roses
by Richard Willes Maddox
20" x 31" Frame
Price: $203.99 
Framed Wisteria Garden II
Wisteria Garden II
by Elaine Vollherbst-Lane
29" x 35" Frame
Price: $300.79 
Framed Garden Escape II
Garden Escape II
by Carol Saxe
14" x 16" Frame
Price: $117.59 
Framed Sunday Afternoon II
Sunday Afternoon II
by Betsy Brown
35" x 29" Frame
Price: $300.79 
Framed Sunday Afternoon II
Sunday Afternoon II
by Betsy Brown
27" x 23" Frame
Price: $197.59 
Framed September Song
September Song
by Diane Romanello
42" x 30" Frame
Price: $373.59 
Framed Irises in the Garden, Saint-Remy, c.1889
Irises in the Garden, Saint-Remy, c.1889
by Vincent Van Gogh
15" x 13" Frame
Price: $119.99 
Framed Bridge of Flowers
Bridge of Flowers
by Diane Romanello
44" x 32" Frame
Price: $397.59 
Framed Garten von Montgeron
Garten von Montgeron
by Claude Monet
39" x 31" Frame
+ More Sizes
Price: $367.19 
Framed Garden in June III
Garden in June III
by Deborah Bookman
19" x 23" Frame
+ More Sizes
Price: $173.59 
Framed Garden in June IV
Garden in June IV
by Deborah Bookman
19" x 23" Frame
+ More Sizes
Price: $173.59 
Framed Sunset Garden II
Sunset Garden II
by Chariklia Zarris
18" x 18" Frame
Price: $140.79 
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154 Items

Framed Flower Garden Art

Flowers are always beautiful at any time of year. Flowers normally represent the beginning of spring. Sometimes flowers are given as a get well gift or a gift to show your love for someone special. Framed flower garden art can give you something really nice without the extra work. It’s picture of that garden you’ve may have always wanted, and for some it can be an addition to a love or passion for horticulture that you already have.

Lene Alston Casey painted a picture entitled Rock Garden. Yes rocks make beautiful gardens too. Even though this is a rock garden, the framed flower garden picture still has flowers that line the pathway of the walk through garden. The Artist’s Garden at Vetheuil with Boy, c. 1880 by Claude Monet is a beautiful painting of a children in a garden filled with tall sunflowers. This is a pretty painting with children that take some time outside to enjoy the flowers.
The Hero’s Garden is a framed flower garden artwork by Michael Humphries of a small older car with flowers growing from its interior. This is a humble painting reminding us that great things can always grow in unexpected places.

Peter Bell created a framed flower garden painting called Prelude to summer. This painting is full of floral life and creates warmth in the midst of a chilly day. Flowers and shrubbery are over grown and begin to take over the walkway and distant landscaping of this village.
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