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Richard Weinstein Art

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5 Items
Framed Poppies I
Poppies I
by Richard Weinstein
26" x 26" Frame
Price: $227.99 
Framed Poppies II
Poppies II
by Richard Weinstein
26" x 26" Frame
Price: $227.99 
Framed Poppies III
Poppies III
by Richard Weinstein
27" x 27" Frame
Price: $231.99 
Framed Poppies IV
Poppies IV
by Richard Weinstein
26" x 26" Frame
Price: $227.99 
Framed Poppies IV
Poppies IV
by Richard Weinstein
18" x 18" Frame
Price: $155.19 
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5 Items
Richard Weinstein is based in NYC. He’s a classically-trained painter who’s aesthetically influenced by the Orientalist, Baroque, the Barbizon and the Venetian, artists. His artistic interests are found in culture and diversity. Weinstein strives to paint genre scenes and portraits from the perspective of a traveler, being intrigued by what is common in us all, and also by those fashions, daily rituals, or details that make people incredibly different. Weinstein aims to show a value and dignity in being “Mundane”, and “Ordinary” and an appreciation for greenness in anything “refined.” He’s a graduate of the School of Visual Arts where he majored in Illustration. After graduation he went on to study at Art Students League where he earned the Phyllis Mason Grant. He earned this grant while he was studying figurative watercolor and also oil portraiture under notable artists Irwin Greenberg, Ron Sherr, Sharon Sprung and Max Ginsburg. Simultaneously, he also spent several years doing various editorial caricature illustrations, murals for Evergreene Studios, and commercial storyboards, and he became a visiting painting instructor for Doon School in Dehradun, India. His art is found in the collections of Green Mountain College, Volusia County School Board Collection, Daytona Beach, Dean Whitter and Associates Collection, Burlington VT, and Florida Robert Mounts Collection. They are also on loan to the University Gallery, University of Florida. She produces high quality art in a variety of finishing options including framed Richard Weinstein art. Since the fall of 2012, Weinstein has been teaching Illustration in Manhattan at the High School of Art and Design. Currently, the artist can be found somewhere between full-time teaching, his studio, and sketching.
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