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Sylvia Murray Art

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Every now and then, people fall in love with an artist whose artwork touches their soul and moves their spirit. Sylvia Murray has had that impact on many people. All her images promise delights and inspires all those who view them. That’s why framed Sylvia Murray art are owned by many galleries, private collectors and museums around the world. Like many leading artists, Sylvia loved art from a young age. Together with her mother, they spent their summers in the Laurentian Mountains in Quebec, and Sylvia remembers carrying her papers, coloring books and crayons to keep herself busy. At the end of summer, she could have a heap of brightly colored drawings, numbering in the hundreds. She prefers to use acrylics on canvas and her paintings consist mainly of representational and non-representational form and provide her with enormous satisfaction both in process and result. She loves art and whenever she sees a blank canvas it fills her with a lot of excitement. Her art is not only meant for hanging on the wall, they also inspire and motivate those who view them especially upcoming artists. She loves the interplay of texture, color, and space which she hopes her viewers appreciate. She is a faithful visitor of art galleries and museums where she learns by observing the works of other artists. She has also participated in many exhibitions to showcase her talent. She has developed a unique style that makes her artwork stand out among others. Today, Sylvia’s work grace the walls of many private and public institutions allover the world.
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