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Gery Luger Art

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Gery Luger (Born in 1951) produces a wide range of art prints which are available to buy online, including limited edition collections. He also produces framed Gery Luger art which are available n many art stores around the world. He travels a lot to find charming and eye-catching locations to reproduce in his work. This includes famous buildings, iconic scenes, and some of the most celebrated models and actresses of our time. Key cities around the world have provided a rich source of inspiration to base his artwork on. Whether in Havana or New York, Che Guevara or Marilyn, Luger’s pictures capture and hold on to the enduring meaning of these cities or the timeless effect of the icons of our century. In terms of art, he’s a globetrotter. The artist has dedicated himself to painting full time and does enjoy his work. He’s a member of many professional art organizations and societies and has worked as a professional artist for many years, during which time he has managed to produce several pieces of art and has also attended several workshops. His works are a recently new discovery for many people, and his iconic in style is rare among artists. The artist is highly versatile and uses mixed media freely. Luger lives and works in Austria and he has been described as the icon of our century. It is evident that travel has a strong influence on his work and his style is undoubtedly representative of color, fancy and happiness.
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