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Lantern Press Art

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Lantern Press was founded by Aaron Morris in 2005. He serves as primary contact for license relationships, product development, art direction, and Key Account sales. Aaron has acquired an extensive collection of travel posters, historic photos, fruit labels and more; all of these are available on the products carried by Lantern Press. Lantern Press is based in Seattle, WA. It is a graphic design and printing company dealing in wholesale retail of American made products, and are interested in eco-conscious business practices. The company creates original, retro-style full-color, illustrated artwork that is made available on their full line of products. Their core line of paper-based products includes postcards, magnets, prints, keychains, notecards, luggage tags, matted prints, desktop calendars and stickers. They print all their products in the USA using recycled paper whenever possible. Their images are also available on shot glasses, apparel mugs, mint tins, coasters, and Christmas ornaments and more. Those who work with Morris in matters dealing with sales include Patrick Hildebrant (Sales Director), Rebecca Stephens (Executive Assistant/Office Manager), and Kailey Higgins (Marketing and Specialty Sales Coordinator). They have a staff of three full-time graphic artists including Jason Munday, Steve Konz, and Alix Branwyn. To create new artwork, their art team will require a high-res image to use as source material. They will then make a photo-sketch illustration of the image and send it to the customer for approval before they start working on the final image. They are known for their quick turn-around times and can get a preliminary layout or sketch within a couple of weeks of the customer’s request. Several galleries stock laminated, canvas, and framed Lantern Press Wall Art ready for installation on the wall.
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