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Nigel Hemming Art

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British artist Nigel Hemming (Born in 1957) was born in Staffordshire. He said goodbye to secondary education at age 18 and enrolled at Art College. 12 months into his training, he changed his mind and decided to pursue teaching instead. He believed then that art could not provide a livelihood and therefore needed what he referred to as “a more structured career path.” Throughout this time, Hemming still held an ambition to paint professionally. So he never took long in his training as a teacher. Just after one year, he abandoned his teaching degree course and went back to his first love – art. Today, he specializes in artwork and animal portraits. Initially he painted birds, but it was his paintings of dogs which threw him into the limelight making him very popular. Hemming painted any animal as ordered by his clients. He fulfilled commissions and briefs to commit all manner of domesticated animals to canvas. He realized that there was a favorite emerging in terms of client’s requests, and that was the painting of pets, particularly, dogs. So what followed formed the artistic catalyst of why, where and what he became. In 1982 he married his wife, Sue, who by lack brought with her a pet dog and cat, that added to the new family equation. The pets served as a first for Hemming who previously hadn’t lived with large pets. It was at this specific point in time that the artist witnessed for the first time that erudite bond and unspoken connection between a woman/man and their dog and just what they both meant to one another. Hemming has produced art in a variety of finishing options including framed Nigel Hemming art, preferred by many buyers and collectors.
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