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Tadashi Asoma Art

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7 Items
Framed Morning Light
Morning Light
by Tadashi Asoma
41" x 32" Frame
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Price: $387.19 
Framed Afternoon Calm
Afternoon Calm
by Tadashi Asoma
31" x 27" Frame
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Price: $260.79 
Framed Daybreak
by Tadashi Asoma
31" x 26" Frame
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Price: $254.39 
Framed Indian Summer
Indian Summer
by Tadashi Asoma
31" x 25" Frame
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Price: $252.79 
Framed Magic Afternoon
Magic Afternoon
by Tadashi Asoma
31" x 27" Frame
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Price: $296.79 
Framed Noonday Dreams
Noonday Dreams
by Tadashi Asoma
31" x 26" Frame
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Price: $256.79 
Framed Water Lilies
Water Lilies
by Tadashi Asoma
31" x 26" Frame
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Price: $256.79 
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7 Items
Artist Tadashi Asoma (Born 1923) was born in Japan. His paintings revel in texture and color, and they depict the changing of the seasons with insightful appearance. In his art, the landscapes are radiant with color. He’s careful when it come to the use of colors. He has to balance them to ensure that the composition is perfect. Asoma has participated in group solo and exhibitions throughout the world, including San Francisco, New York, Tokyo, Germany and Switzerland. His work is included in many public, private and corporate collections. He received his education in Urawa, the Bijitsu Gakko, Tokyo at Saitama Teachers College. After that, he received a Japanese Government scholarship in 1958 to study painting in Paris and studied at Grand Chaumiere, Paris. On completion, he moved to the United States and continued with his studies at the Art Students League, New York. In 1961, he had his first exhibition in the U.S. at the Japan Society in San Francisco and New York. Asoma became attracted to the American contemporary art and decided to settle in the U.S. He eventually moved to New York with his family. He spent his early years in New York living in an apartment near the East Village. The artist has produced the majority of his paintings while residing in the U.S. those who have purchased framed Tadashi Asoma art agree that they provide value for money. That’s why many collectors stock them in large numbers. Asoma’s art are easily recognizable because of the way he uses color and texture.
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