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Framed Rhododendron Art

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56 Items
Framed Rhododendron Bright50% Off Art Prints
Rhododendron Bright
by Wild Apple Portfolio
19" x 25" Frame
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Price: $186.29 
Framed Rhododendron Vintage50% Off Art Prints
Rhododendron Vintage
by Wild Apple Portfolio
19" x 25" Frame
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Price: $186.29 
Framed Ochre Rhododendron50% Off Art Prints
Ochre Rhododendron
by Chris Paschke
25" x 25" Frame
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Price: $242.99 
Framed Golden Rhododendron on White50% Off Art Prints
Golden Rhododendron on White
by Wild Apple Portfolio
19" x 25" Frame
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Price: $186.29 
Framed Rhododendrons50% Off Art Prints
by Wild Apple Portfolio
17" x 20" Frame
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Price: $156.59 
Framed Rose Quartz Rhododendron50% Off Art Prints
Rose Quartz Rhododendron
by Wild Apple Portfolio
20" x 26" Frame
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Price: $189.89 
Framed Rhododendrons Vintage50% Off Art Prints
Rhododendrons Vintage
by Wild Apple Portfolio
19" x 22" Frame
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Price: $172.79 
Framed Serenity Rhododendron on White50% Off Art Prints
Serenity Rhododendron on White
by Wild Apple Portfolio
17" x 22" Frame
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Price: $161.09 
Framed Rest Among The Flowers50% Off Art Prints
Rest Among The Flowers
by Brooke T. Ryan
24" x 32" Frame
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Price: $261.89 
Framed Rhododendrons50% Off Art Prints
by Brooke T. Ryan
23" x 31" Frame
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Price: $257.39 
Framed Rhododendron Portrait I50% Off Art Prints
Rhododendron Portrait I
by Anne Farrall Doyle
25" x 25" Frame
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Price: $242.09 
Framed Rhododendron Portrait II50% Off Art Prints
Rhododendron Portrait II
by Anne Farrall Doyle
25" x 25" Frame
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Price: $242.09 
Framed Vintage Rhododendron I50% Off Art Prints
Vintage Rhododendron I
by Vision Studio
23" x 31" Frame
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Price: $263.69 
Framed Vintage Rhododendron II50% Off Art Prints
Vintage Rhododendron II
by Vision Studio
23" x 31" Frame
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Price: $263.69 
Framed Red Rhododendron II50% Off Art Prints
Red Rhododendron II
by Jacob Green
23" x 19" Frame
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Price: $174.59 
Framed Red Rhododendron I50% Off Art Prints
Red Rhododendron I
by Jacob Green
23" x 19" Frame
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Price: $174.59 
Framed Rhododendron Study I50% Off Art Prints
Rhododendron Study I
by Melissa Wang
25" x 31" Frame
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Price: $278.09 
Framed Rhododendron Study II50% Off Art Prints
Rhododendron Study II
by Melissa Wang
25" x 31" Frame
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Price: $278.09 
Framed Blooming Birds, Rhododendron50% Off Art Prints
Blooming Birds, Rhododendron
by Fab Funky
19" x 19" Frame
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Price: $149.39 
Framed Rhododendron I50% Off Art Prints
Rhododendron I
by John Butler
27" x 39" Frame
Price: $368.99 
Framed Pink Rhododendron50% Off Art Prints
Pink Rhododendron
by George Edwards
21" x 24" Frame
Price: $228.59 
Framed Rhododendron II50% Off Art Prints
Rhododendron II
by John Butler
26" x 39" Frame
Price: $368.99 
Framed Antique Rhododendron II50% Off Art Prints
Antique Rhododendron II
by Edward S. Curtis
27" x 37" Frame
Price: $355.49 
Framed Antique Rhododendron I50% Off Art Prints
Antique Rhododendron I
by Edward S. Curtis
27" x 37" Frame
Price: $355.49 
Framed Tropical Rhododendron II50% Off Art Prints
Tropical Rhododendron II
by Horto Van Houtteano
23" x 31" Frame
Price: $269.99 
Framed Tropical Rhododendron I50% Off Art Prints
Tropical Rhododendron I
by Horto Van Houtteano
22" x 31" Frame
Price: $269.09 
Framed Blooming Rhododendron Below Giant Redwood, Trinidad, California50% Off Art Prints
Blooming Rhododendron Below Giant Redwood, Trinidad, California
by Panoramic Images
19" x 43" Frame
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Price: $318.59 
Framed Large Pink Rhododendron Blossoms In A Garden50% Off Art Prints
Large Pink Rhododendron Blossoms In A Garden
by Julie Eggers / Danita Delimont
25" x 20" Frame
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Price: $208.79 
Framed Variegated Pink And White Rhododendron In A Garden50% Off Art Prints
Variegated Pink And White Rhododendron In A Garden
by Julie Eggers / Danita Delimont
25" x 20" Frame
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Price: $208.79 
Framed Oregon, Shore Acres State Park Rhododendron Flowers Close-Up50% Off Art Prints
Oregon, Shore Acres State Park Rhododendron Flowers Close-Up
by Jaynes Gallery / Danita Delimont
27" x 20" Frame
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Price: $218.69 
Framed Rhododendron Along Pathway, Magnolia Plantation, Charleston, South Carolina50% Off Art Prints
Rhododendron Along Pathway, Magnolia Plantation, Charleston, South Carolina
by Adam Jones / Danita Delimont
39" x 31" Frame
+ More Sizes
Price: $354.59 
Framed Rhododendron in Bloom, Paro Valley, Bhutan50% Off Art Prints
Rhododendron in Bloom, Paro Valley, Bhutan
by Art Wolfe / Danita Delimont
25" x 19" Frame
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Price: $179.99 
Framed Close-up of Rhododendron and Iris flowers50% Off Art Prints
Close-up of Rhododendron and Iris flowers
by Panoramic Images
17" x 40" Frame
Price: $287.99 
Framed Close-Up of Rhododendron Flowers50% Off Art Prints
Close-Up of Rhododendron Flowers
by Panoramic Images
47" x 17" Frame
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Price: $523.79 
Framed Rhododendrons and First Church, Dunedin, New Zealand50% Off Art Prints
Rhododendrons and First Church, Dunedin, New Zealand
by David Wall / Danita Delimont
31" x 43" Frame
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Price: $420.29 
Framed Redwood trees and Rhododendron flowers in a forest, Jedediah Smith Redwoods State Park, Crescent City, California50% Off Art Prints
Redwood trees and Rhododendron flowers in a forest, Jedediah Smith Redwoods State Park, Crescent City, California
by Panoramic Images
43" x 31" Frame
+ More Sizes
Price: $423.89 
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56 Items

Framed Rhododendron Paintings

Rhododendron is a plant that has more than 1000 species and is found mostly in Asia. The meaning of the plant’s name comes from the Greek language where its name is translated as a “rose tree”. The size of different species varies, so the smallest Rhododendron can be around 4 inches tall, while the largest may go up to 98 feet in height. The view of framed Rhododendron flower art prints is really beautiful with a wide range of different flowers that this plant can have. Some of the great images to represent the various flowers are “Rhododendron No. 3”, “Pontic Rhododendron” and “Orange Yellow Rhododendron”. The most often colors of Rhododendron’s flower are white, pink, red and purple.
Rhododendron arboreum is the national flower of Nepal and is consumed as juice in that country, while Rhododendron maximum is the state flower of West Virginia. Some types of this plant may have air roots that come above ground and take the nutrients directly from air and may survive up to 100 years under optimal climate conditions. Also, this plant is regarded as “the King of Shrubs” in some places because of its evergreen character. The various types of this plant can be seen in many framed Rhododendron plant art prints that depict blooms and leaves of this wonderful plant located in various settings. If you like the looks and the feel of this plant, then getting a framed Rhododendron art print is a great decoration choice for your living or leisure space.

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Framed 'Blooming Birds Florals 4 Piece Framed Art Print Set' border= 'Blooming Birds Florals 4 Piece Framed Art Print Set' 
by Fab Funky  
Price: $529.99
Sale: $476.99
Framed 'Purple Clematis 2 Piece Framed Art Print Set' border= 'Purple Clematis 2 Piece Framed Art Print Set' 
by Sarah Elizabeth Chilton  
Price: $399.99
Sale: $359.99
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