Kinder Chic Decorating Inspo

If you have kids, their presence dominates at least a few rooms of your home. Why not decorate those rooms with style? Kinder Chic decorating elevates your child-centric areas, transforming them into spaces that invite the younger side of everyone to come out and play. Read more to find out how to create a kinder chic room that appeals to both younger and more sophisticated styles.

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Kinder Chic Colors

Before you dive into your kinder chic remodel, think about your color palette. Which colors highlight the natural flow of your home? Which hues create an inviting space for your little ones? And maybe most importantly, which colors are their favorite? Honoring the favorite colors of your kids acknowledges them as important members of your household. Don’t know where to start? Think bold and bright. Brighter colors jump out and excite kids, pushing them to use their imagination! Unique color combinations and unexpected accents show off a whimsical style. In fact, bolder hues of colors already used in your home’s decorating change the look and feel of a certain area while still fitting in with the rest of your living space.

Combinations to try:

Autumn reds, yellows, oranges and greens

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Bright blue, green and white

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An elevated Rainbow!

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Dare to be Wild

Kids have wild personalities. Whether your children are the shy side, or a little more extroverted, there’s always a jumping, running little animal inside waiting to be invited out! Encourage the wild side of your kids with fun animal art!

Animal art is more than the dated cartoons of older generations. Contemporary, modern art featuring animals blends a mature and juvenile style together. Don’t underestimate your kids… they can appreciate real art! Getting your child’s perspective on an artpiece is a great way to expand the eye of every member of the household. Invite kids to pick out animal-themed art for their play or sleeping space. Remember that animals don’t have to look or feel childish… they’re natural and wild and universally appealing! Choose framed art together; you may be surprised by the sophisticated taste of your children!

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Use Words if Necessary

How can you be encouraging and instructing your kids even when you’re not there? With colorful framed quotes for your kids! Word art promotes self-esteem and positive thinking in a subtle, playful way. Encouraging self-talk, along with the ability to read, are two important milestones in children’s development. Why not combine these important life lessons into appealing art on their walls? Look for themes of kindness, bravery, and creativity when choosing word art as part of your kinder chic decoration.

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Hopefully this post inspires you to decorate your playroom with a fresh new look! Paint, flooring, accent pieces, and wall art work together to create a bright and inviting feel to any space. Don’t neglect your child-centric spaces when considering your home decor! Kinder chic decorating honors kids, and contributes to the overall beauty of your home. Check out more kids room art here, and don’t be afraid to go wild!