Framed Temple Artwork
Thousands of years ago, when people didn’t have science to explain the things they didn’t understand, the Gods were the ones expected to provide all the answers. Praying to them was more than a way of comforting the soul and temples were the structures reserved for spiritual and religious activities. Back in the day, these were also used for various rites and even sacrifices and can provide collectors with a nice assortment of Framed Temple Art dedicated to all the structures.
In ancient mythology, temples were sometimes regarded to be places where the gods themselves lived, which significantly enhance their importance. Even though over the course of time their significance dwindled, they remain the place to go to pray and worship. While they serve a similar purpose, they look very differently and each culture had its own idea about how the structures should be built and decorated. Framed Temple Art has all of them covered, with Mesopotamian and Egyptian temples to be found next to their Greek, Roman and even pagan counterparts.
Framed Temple Art features easy to recognize ziggurats that look like pyramids with steps and a flat upper terrace, but also the massive Egyptian temples. These places were supposed to act as a bridge between our world and the one beyond, where humans could interact with deities through a predetermined ritual. In Europe, the most common temples are the Greco-Roman ones, with the ones celebrating a pagan religion going by the name of fanum.