Emma Styles is a photographer who boasts a happy and bold personality and believes that it is through photography that she can transmit her feelings to others. Her degree lies in photography and she focuses on portraiture and weddings, fashion and lookbooks, as well as collaborating and assisting other photographers. She is a photographer who brings together her love of illustration and photography to create adventuresome designs. Emma took several years freelancing and building her portfolio, and along the way, her career boiled down into a blend of various creative energies, becoming what we see today. Emma is not only into photography; she is also a writer and has a stack of short film scripts which she is aching to turn into something beautiful. Her originality is triggered by her keen observation of nature mixed with her urge to explore media. She keeps an open eye on current trends and embraces diverse approaches in photography. Emma believes that her art bear a special message to her viewers because she uses them as a means of communication. So she is not just interested in meeting MUAs, models and designers to collaborate with, but also to collaborate with other photographers and filmmakers, and to network, assist others, and integrate herself with creative community in London. Framed Emma Styles art have been widely displayed in diverse locations throughout the world. She has several photos to her name and has widely sold her artistic works to a number of individuals and companies. She has worked on several projects that have found their way into a number of high profile corporate and private companies.